Adam Lorincz, MA DLLP

Adam is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Detroit-Mercy and holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology and a Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University. Adam has a Temporary Limited License in the state of Michigan. He has completed an internship at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center and has a wide range of clinical experiences in Detroit area hospitals, medical clinics, and outpatient mental health.

Adam believes that psychotherapy is a collaborative experience between client and therapist and emphasizes the inherent values, skills, strengths, and life experiences each individual posses within themselves as integral to the therapy process. Adam has experience with Acceptance and Commitment therapy as well as existential and psychodynamic psychotherapy and has extensive experience with individuals from diverse backgrounds, sexual orientations, and ethnic/racial groups.

Adam’s areas of interests and focus include helping individuals develop value-based goals, coping with and adjusting to medical illnesses, grief and loss, and has experience with adolescent and emerging adult issues.

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