Interested in Telehealh?
Many of our clinicians provide Telehealth services to clients who are legal residents of Michigan.
For your privacy and security, we use encrypted platforms such as and VeeSEE.
Benefits of face-to-face Telehealth:
- Accessibility to our practice and staff from anywhere in Michigan
- No need to spend time driving or using public transportation to and from appointments
- Access services from the safety and security of you own home
- Continuity of care while in college, deployed in the military or traveling for work
- Can access your therapist from phones, tablets and computers
How We Are Continuing To Keep Our Client's Safe After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Most of our therapists are capable of conducting Telehealth on encrypted platforms if you don’t feel comfortable coming to our practice. You may wear your mask in the the consulting room with your therapist if you wish. Your therapist will make every effort to sit at least six feet from you if you request it from the therapist. Coffee and water is no longer available to reduce contact (Please bring in your own beverages to enjoy during your session). Hand sanitizer has been placed in each waiting room. If you feel ill or have a high temperature, please stay home and do Telehealth with your therapist.
Our Mission
Wentworth & Associates, PC strives to meet our clients’ needs based on their strengths, abilities and preferences while maintaining a confidential, effective and empirically proven behavioral and medical treatment environment provided by highly skilled clinicians.